Un ghid ceva ?
Un ghid ceva ?
edit: uite aici
Ultima modificare făcută de Greenwoods; 27.06.2013 la 12:07.
stiti cumva daca pot recupera aventura de undeva in cazul in care o anulez? ca as vrea sa termin misiunea eveniment dar astazi aveam in plan alta aventura....
Aventura nu se poate recupera daca ati inchis-o din greşeală sau aţi anulat-o.
The Shaman - 200 gen version with longbows and soldiers.
As combat sim is crashing today, you should take it as guideline. Soldiers can be replaced with Elites
From landing:
C1 - 47R, 53S, 100C
C2 - 21R, 1S, 178C
L1 - 131R, 69S
From Village:
C5 - 40R, 160C
L2 - 77R, 123S
From upper side of Village:
C6 - 80R, 100S
C7 - 90R, 110S
C8 - 141R 59S
C9 - 160R, 40 longbows (200 gen, you loos some longbows)
L3 - 120R, 60cav, 20 longbow (200 gen, you might loos 1 cav)
Need to calc harder camps yet. Good luck till this point!
C10 - 20R, 40 bow, 140 longbow (loos 20r, 40b, 105lb) or 40R, 160LB (loos 40r, 125lb)
C11 - 40R, 20 bow, 140 longbow (loos 40r, 20b, 95LB) or 40R, 160LB (loos 40r, 79lb) - i think it can be skiped
C12 - 2 waves: W1 - 200LB, W2 - 40R, 20B, 140LB
C13 - 40R, 20B, 140LB (loos 40R, 20B, 87LB) or 40R 160LB (loos 40R, 105LB)
L4 -
W1: 170R
W2: 120S 80B (not tested)
Am aventura Samanul in stea si am vazut la piata ca o cere cineva in schimbul altei aventuri, dar nu o pot vinde pentru ca este incadrata la categoria 'Afaceri pe care nu mi le permit'
Este cumva un bug?