Please fix BUG with explorers, can't send because they return in 5 min. with nothing. I lose about 150 flowers/8 hours, need compensation for this.
Please fix BUG with explorers, can't send because they return in 5 min. with nothing. I lose about 150 flowers/8 hours, need compensation for this.
Hello Ciprake,
This may be due to the Prestigious Friend Buff. Our team is looking into a resolution. In the meantime, logging out for at least 15 minutes and making sure no other player visits your home island during this time will force a zone shutdown and fix the issue. You should then be able to send out your Explorers normally when you log back in.
În cazul în care dorești ajutor, te rog să contactezi Echipa de asistență în limba română. Nu ezita să mă contactezi și pe mine, însă te rog trimite-mi un mesaj în engleză.