Dear players,
You are invited to submit your comments related to the latest dev diary here.
What is your opinion on this new game version?
Dear players,
You are invited to submit your comments related to the latest dev diary here.
What is your opinion on this new game version?
Căsuța mea poștală este închisă. Te rog contactează echipa de asistență în română.
Nice job, but level requirements are too high. We don`t have any special target between 62 and 70, just gathering 290 million xp from a few adventures. Pretty boring.
In fact, lvl 67 represents the halfway till The pathfinder . It is not encouraging. Most players will be bored and will give up the game before.
Maybe, lvl 67 for The pathfinder it would be a more realistic target.
The pathfinder is a great idea, nicely implemented and I think well-balanced as to loss/gain ratio. It certainly is a worthwhile goal to pursue while doing the same adventures over and over again just to gather exp point.
And herein lies the problem: rather too much exp. point to gather until lvl 70, just as my colleague said above. I would not venture to suggest lvl 65 (one can dream though), but I think lvl 67-68 would prove a more realistic and stimulating milestone for us.
idee bună implementată prost ... dar asta a devenit ”normal”
nu stiu cati jucatori au pe serverul asta lvl 65 (ar fi interesant sa stim cati au lvl 65 pe toate serverele) dar hai sa apelam un pic la matematica :
lvl 65 = 111.400.000 xp
lvl 70 = 345.130.000 xp
ne da o diferenta de 233730000 xp
calculam si cat xp au facut cei mai rapizi jucatori / luna ?
nu mai retin cat s-a introdus lvl cap 75 ... prin octombrie (sa zicem) ... ajungem la un rezultat aproximativ de 15000000/luna
sa intelegem ca acest ”pathfinder” a fost creat pt a fi ”jucat” peste 15 luni ?
o sa spuneti ca rata de ”crestere” a fost mai mare dupa lvl 57 si aveti dreptate dar cred ca acest ”pathfinder” , in conditiile actuale, va fi ”jucat” in minim 10 luni
in concluzie : ”felicitari” pt o idee buna implementata prost =))
P.S.: BB_Amta it is enough to read the numbers, you dont need to understand the words
Ultima modificare făcută de crash; 07.05.2016 la 18:23.
''The Pathfinder''-a very great idea,but...when we gonna play it???...Only God knows!!!
Am testat aceasta idee pe test,e ceva ce va pune jucatorul in miscare,insa asteptarea va fi destul de lunga si nu stiu cati dintre noi nu vom renunta inainte de a atinge nivelul 70...Avand in vedere despre cat xp vorbim aici(xp-ul necesar nivel 65-70),cred ca voi atinge acest nivel cam in cca 1an jumate...Incurajator,nu-i asa?))
Faceti ceva cu nivelul ala,nu mi se pare deloc ok...70? TOO LATE!!!
Probably in 1 year we can take advantage of this "new game version", probably! Feel the irony?
I return with an aside connected to the issue: it strikes me all the more necessary to have a more effective buff for the barracks, if we are to complete the tasks set by the pathfinder AND to complete the other ones we get as well. I consider to be essential at least a minimum of x4 for 24h, to be brought by the explorers from artefact search.