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Subiect: [Feedback] "The Pathfinder" - Dev Diary

  1. #11

    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Nice, but level requirements are too high, lvl 6o for The pathfinder it would be a realistic target............

  2. #12

    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Hi there,
    the harder you do the game, the more will lose willing to play anymore cause too much xp and too less reward for any adventure we may do. You need to add something attractive in order to keep people playing, earlier than level 70, somewhere at 65 I may suggest, cause you did this thing gradually, since we start the game. You don't develop something you refrain from reaching attractive things, allowing people to live too. Many of us start game early morning for doing gq's and taking care of mines and all buildings. As I know I have to answer to this topic only, you developers, have to know the changes we would like to be done in order to help us feeling better and play more and more people. So because we have to use English to write to you, built a wall between what we want to say and the answer we get from you. Not many dare to write, so you can't get a real information about this pathfinder. This is the reason you get so few feedbacks from this server's players.

  3. #13

    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Sunt curios sa vedem daca, cum se bat unii cu pumnii in piept ca feedback-ul nostru este citit si indiferent in ce limba scriem, daca developrerii vor tine cont si de feedback-ul meu in limba romana.......nu mai vreau sa ma injosesc sa scriu intr-o alta limba atat timp cat joc pe un server romanesc.

    In legatura cu acest "The Pathfinder" cred ar fi trebuit sa il implementati la lv 80. Nu stiu daca sunteti destul de inteligenti sa intelegeti ironia mea.....si daca da, oare cine au inceput primii cu ironiile ?????

  4. #14
    Community Team Avatarul lui Old_BB_Amta
    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Hello folks,

    Thank you all for your feedback.
    As some of you might know, the first iteration for the Pathfinder was set for level 74 on the test server. Fortunately, the developers lowered the level requirements, based on players' feedback.
    rdd77, you're right, there's nothing interesting going on until level 70. This is why I'm pleased to announce that we're working on more game content for high (below 70) and mid level players, based on your feedback!

    @crash, don't worry about me understanding what you guys mean. I know perfectly what you're saying.
    angiluk, the feedback is read and processed regardless the language it is submitted in.
    Feel free to continue writing in Romanian, I will do my best to understand you. There's no need to be bitter about it - we're sharing the same goal here: improving the game, promoting the community's welfare and making sure you are enjoying it.

    Citat Postat în original de Napokatis Vezi post
    So because we have to use English to write to you, built a wall between what we want to say and the answer we get from you. Not many dare to write, so you can't get a real information about this pathfinder. This is the reason you get so few feedbacks from this server's players.
    Napokatis, on forums you can use Romanian, there is no point for you guys to struggle with English. However, if you wish to contact me in private, then yes, you would have to use English.

    For those who submitted their feedback in English: I appreciate the effort, but you might as well write in Romanian, I don't mind at all: it is my duty to understand and observe how you react to certain news announcements, not your responsibility to make it easier for me.

    Happy settling,
    Ultima modificare făcută de BB_Amta; 11.05.2016 la 08:20.
    Căsuța mea poștală este închisă. Te rog contactează echipa de asistență în română.

  5. #15

    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Citat Postat în original de TitusLivius Vezi post
    The pathfinder is a great idea, nicely implemented and I think well-balanced as to loss/gain ratio. It certainly is a worthwhile goal to pursue while doing the same adventures over and over again just to gather exp point.
    And herein lies the problem: rather too much exp. point to gather until lvl 70, just as my colleague said above. I would not venture to suggest lvl 65 (one can dream though), but I think lvl 67-68 would prove a more realistic and stimulating milestone for us.
    i would have guessed 65 as well if somebody from BB would have bothered to ask...
    rdd77 is right, after lv 62 there is a big hole and not too much motivation to play...

  6. #16

    Data înscrierii
    Limanul cu stejari
    Citat Postat în original de BB_Amta Vezi post
    Dear players,

    You are invited to submit your comments related to the latest dev diary here.
    What is your opinion on this new game version?


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