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Forum: Jurnal de dezvoltare

Aici găsești toate informațiile referitoare la procesele actuale, discuțiile în echipa și gradul de nebunie al vieții în cadrul Blue Byte (cel puțin câteodată).

  1. Dev Diary: Christmas Event 2021

    Details about the upcoming Christmas Event 2021 Deer Settlers, Elves, and Grinches, With the festivities just around the corner,...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 10.12.2021 15:38
    • Răspunsuri: 9
    • Afișări: 53.378
    15.12.2021 17:16 Mergi la ultimul post
  2. Dev Diary: Halloween 2021

    More information about the upcoming Halloween event Dear scaredy-cats, The waiting is over, a new event is making its way to The Settlers...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 22.10.2021 15:29
    2 Pagini
    1 2
    • Răspunsuri: 11
    • Afișări: 69.277
    05.11.2021 15:44 Mergi la ultimul post
  3. [Dev Diary] Anniversary Event 2021

    Dear Settlers, In 1993, Blue Byte released the very first "The Settlers" game, launched for Amiga in Germany, and followed later with...

    Creat de BB_Saqui, 03.09.2021 13:33
    • Răspunsuri: 7
    • Afișări: 58.107
    03.09.2021 13:35 Mergi la ultimul post
  4. Dev Diary: Summer Event 2021

    More information about the upcoming Summer Event 2021 Dear football fans, The big tournament is coming up again, and your settlers are...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 18.06.2021 15:05
    • Răspunsuri: 6
    • Afișări: 33.164
    06.07.2021 14:47 Mergi la ultimul post
  5. Dev Diary: Easter 2021 Event

    The upcoming Easter 2021 Event: New specialist, new building, and more! Dear Settlers, It's time for crazy Rabbids to go hippity-hop...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 26.03.2021 15:12
    • Răspunsuri: 6
    • Afișări: 78.244
    26.03.2021 15:19 Mergi la ultimul post
  6. Dev Diary: Valentine 2021 Event

    The upcoming Valentine 2021 Event: Calendar, new specialists, new buildings, and more Dear Settlers, Love is in the air - can you feel...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 29.01.2021 14:27
    • Răspunsuri: 7
    • Afișări: 121.068
    29.01.2021 14:47 Mergi la ultimul post
  7. Dev Diary: Christmas Event 2020

    Details about the upcoming Christmas Event 2020 Deer Settlers, Elves, and Grinches, With the festivities just around the corner,...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 16.12.2020 14:35
    • Răspunsuri: 8
    • Afișări: 318.483
    16.12.2020 14:48 Mergi la ultimul post
  8. Dev Diary: Halloween Event 2020

    More information about the upcoming Halloween event Dear scaredy-cats, The waiting is over, a new event is making its way to The Settlers...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 16.10.2020 13:09
    2 Pagini
    1 2
    • Răspunsuri: 10
    • Afișări: 457.053
    19.10.2020 15:33 Mergi la ultimul post
  9. Dev Diary: Anniversary Event 2020

    Dear Settlers, In 1993, Blue Byte released the very first "The Settlers" game, launched for Amiga in Germany, and followed later with...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 28.08.2020 13:27
    2 Pagini
    1 2
    • Răspunsuri: 10
    • Afișări: 223.009
    01.10.2020 13:18 Mergi la ultimul post
  10. Dev Diary: Summer Event 2020

    More information about the upcoming Summer Event 2020 Dear Settlers, The weather is getting warmer and you hear the cheers of your...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 18.06.2020 13:42
    • Răspunsuri: 4
    • Afișări: 160.097
    18.06.2020 13:55 Mergi la ultimul post
  11. Dev Diary: Easter Event 2020

    The upcoming Easter 2020 Event: New specialist, new building, new buffs and more Dear Settlers, It's time for crazy rabbids to go...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 27.03.2020 14:23
    • Răspunsuri: 8
    • Afișări: 278.046
    17.04.2020 13:06 Mergi la ultimul post
  12. Dev Diary: Valentine 2020

    The upcoming Valentine 2020 Event: Calendar, New specialists, new buildings, new buffs and more Dear Settlers, Love is in the air - can...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 07.02.2020 14:32
    • Răspunsuri: 8
    • Afișări: 148.759
    07.02.2020 14:39 Mergi la ultimul post
  13. Dev Diary: Christmas Event 2019

    Details about the upcoming Christmas Event 2019 Deer Settlers, Elves, and Grinches, With the festivities just around the corner,...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 13.12.2019 14:32
    • Răspunsuri: 9
    • Afișări: 134.443
    13.12.2019 14:40 Mergi la ultimul post
  14. Dev Diary: Harbour

    Dear Settlers, November will introduce some exciting changes to the game. For example, a new building which was on the wishlist of many players...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 21.11.2019 11:24
    • Răspunsuri: 4
    • Afișări: 118.432
    21.11.2019 11:27 Mergi la ultimul post
  15. Dev Diary: Halloween 2019

    More information about the upcoming Halloween event Dear scaredy-cats, The waiting is over, a new event is making its way to The Settlers...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 18.10.2019 11:19
    2 Pagini
    1 2
    • Răspunsuri: 10
    • Afișări: 200.940
    12.11.2019 12:08 Mergi la ultimul post
  16. Dev Diary: Anniversary Event 2019

    Dear Settlers, In 1993, Blue Byte released the very first "The Settlers" game, launched for Amiga in Germany, and followed later with...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 30.08.2019 05:13
    • Răspunsuri: 9
    • Afișări: 181.436
    10.10.2019 08:50 Mergi la ultimul post
  17. Dev Diary: Summer Event 2019

    More information about the upcoming Summer Event 2019 Dear Settlers, The long-awaited Summer Event is making its way to the live...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 14.06.2019 08:56
    • Răspunsuri: 5
    • Afișări: 129.351
    18.06.2019 09:19 Mergi la ultimul post
  18. Dev Diary: Easter Event 2019

    The upcoming Easter 2019 Event: New specialist, new building, new buffs and more Dear Settlers, It's time for crazy rabbids to go...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 12.04.2019 09:13
    • Răspunsuri: 6
    • Afișări: 176.147
    26.04.2019 13:07 Mergi la ultimul post
  19. Dev Diary: Valentines Event

    The upcoming Valentine 2019 Event: New specialists, new buildings, new buffs and more Dear Settlers, Love is in the air - can you feel...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 13.02.2019 09:44
    2 Pagini
    1 2
    • Răspunsuri: 10
    • Afișări: 353.694
    07.03.2019 16:52 Mergi la ultimul post
  20. Dev Diary: Christmas Event 2018

    Details about the upcoming Christmas Event 2018 Deer Settlers, Elves and Grinches, With the festivities just around the corner,...

    Creat de BB_Sious, 07.12.2018 14:28
    • Răspunsuri: 8
    • Afișări: 293.506
    13.12.2018 14:49 Mergi la ultimul post

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